Archives 2024

Aviation’s Future in 2024!

Did you know that India’s aviation market is rapidly becoming one of the fastest-growing in the world, with a surge in jobs on the horizon?
According to the report of IBEF (Indian Brand Equity Foundation) Survey India’s commercial aviation market is set to become one of the world’s top three by 2041, with a fleet size nearly quadrupling since 2019.

According to the Boeing Commercial Market Outlook 2023, South Asia is about to welcome over 2,700 new airplanes in the next two decades, with 90 percent destined for India. This growth projection also demands approximately 37,000 pilots and 38,000 mechanics in the region, largely led by India.

India’s commitment to fostering aviation is evident in groundbreaking government initiatives and expansive airport infrastructure projects. These endeavors not only lay the groundwork for an enhanced travel experience but also create a wave of job opportunities across various sectors.

Increased passenger demand:
Rapid Growth in Domestic Travel: Exploring the surge in domestic air travel within India.
Rising Middle-Class Travelers: Analyzing the expanding middle-class demographic’s impact on aviation demand.
Tourism Boom: Examining the role of tourism promotion in driving up passenger numbers.

The emergence of low-cost carriers:
Changing Market Dynamics: Discussing how budget airlines are reshaping the competitive landscape.
Accessibility for Masses: Highlighting how low-cost carriers are making air travel more affordable for a broader audience.
Network Expansion Strategies: Exploring how budget airlines are expanding routes and services to capture market share.

Increased investment in infrastructure:
Airport Modernization Initiatives: Detailing government and private sector investments in upgrading airport facilities.
Regional Connectivity Schemes: Discussing initiatives aimed at enhancing air connectivity to smaller cities and towns.
Infrastructure Challenges: Addressing the ongoing efforts to overcome infrastructural hurdles to accommodate growing air traffic.

Technological advancements:
Sustainable Aviation Solutions: Exploring innovations in aircraft design and propulsion systems to reduce environmental impact.
Digital Transformation: Discussing the integration of technology to streamline operations and enhance passenger experience.
Safety Enhancements: Highlighting advancements in aviation safety technologies such as improved navigation systems and predictive maintenance.

So, if you’re ready to embark on a career in the dynamic world of aviation or seeking the right talent for your team, Aviation Indeed is the compass that points you in the direction of success.

We understand the dynamics of this transformative journey. Our commitment is to connect the right talent with the right opportunities in the aviation sector. As the industry expands, so does the need for skilled personnel, and we are here to make that match seamlessly.

Aviation Indeed is your compass to success, connecting talent with opportunities seamlessly. As the industry expands, our commitment remains unwavering.

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Go First senior management deserted, sales head latest executive to quit

The grounded carrier Go First may take a few months to return to the skies if the resolution plan submitted by either of the two bidders is approved. Most of its workforce, including senior management, has already left the airline over time, sources told CNBC-TV18.

Sources indicate that the successful resolution applicant will need at least 1,000 people, including licensed staff such as pilots with currency, to recommence operations with a fleet of up to 10 aircraft.

While most of the senior management, including Kaushik Khona – who was at the helm when operations ceased, and bankruptcy proceedings were initiated – left Go First last year, Head of Sales Rakesh Tiwari exited last week to join regional carrier Star Air, as per sources.

Currently, only two vice presidents (legal and in-flight services), along with heads of the IOCC and customer services, remain in the senior management, along with a handful of junior staff, sources say. The entire mid-management reportedly left the airline in tranches last year, as per sources.

In an interview, they say that the task of resuming operations in the event of successful resolutions will not be easier as everyone has already left work in the company and it is going to take at least three months to put the entire system in place before taking the airlines to the start again.

As the entire fleet of commanders has also departed from the grounded carrier, those who will be inducted will need to be current on their flight training, which will take its own time.

Go First has not flown since May 3 last year when it decided to voluntarily file for bankruptcy proceedings and after that, it became a nightmare for them.

After initially failing to attract any suitor, Go First received two bids for its acquisition on February 26. SpiceJet promoter Ajay Singh and Busy Bee Airways promoter Nishant Pitti submitted a joint bid in their personal capacity, while the other bid is from Jaideep Mirchandani-owned Sky One Airways.

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USDOT Greenlights Expansion: Chinese Airlines Set to Increase Weekly Flights to US, Nearing Pre-Pandemic Levels”

USDOT Greenlights Expansion Chinese Airlines Set to Increase Weekly Flights to US, Nearing Pre-Pandemic Levels
Greetings Travel Enthusiasts,

In a significant stride towards normalizing travel between China and the United States, the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) has approved Chinese passenger airlines to boost their weekly flights to the US. Commencing from March 31, the number of weekly round-trip flights will increase from the current limit of 35 to a more robust 50, marking a crucial step towards restoring travel to nearly one-third of pre-pandemic levels.

Gradual Reopening of the U.S.-China Market

As the world grappled with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, travel restrictions significantly impacted the number of weekly round-trip flights between China and the US. The new approval from USDOT signals a gradual reopening of the market, with the aim of reaching a more normalized state in anticipation of the Summer 2024 traffic season.

Airlines for America Supports Incremental Reopening

Airlines for America, the group representing major U.S. carriers including American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, and United Airlines, expressed support for the gradual and reciprocal reopening of the market. These three U.S. carriers currently operate a combined total of 31 weekly flights to China. The measured approach to reopening is deemed imperative by the group, emphasizing the need for a careful and reciprocal process.

Positive Reception from the Chinese Embassy

The Chinese embassy, situated in Washington DC, welcomed the positive progress in increasing direct passenger flights between China and the US. Expressing satisfaction with the development, the embassy stated its commitment to continued efforts in fostering increased travel and connectivity between the two nations.

A Step Closer to Pre-Pandemic Levels

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, both Chinese and U.S. carriers were permitted more than 150 weekly round-trip flights. The pandemic-induced restrictions led to a significant reduction, with the number plummeting to as low as eight weekly flights. The gradual easing of restrictions has seen steady increases, with the current approval taking the weekly flights to 50, a substantial move towards the levels observed before the global health crisis.

A Recap of Flight Increases

The journey to this point involved a series of approvals for flight increases. In August 2023, Chinese and U.S. carriers received approval to offer up to 18 weekly round-trip flights, following a period of severely restricted routes. This limitation forced U.S. carriers to navigate restrictions on Russian airspace, utilizing ultra-long-range aircraft or incorporating fuel stops for smaller planes.

Subsequent approvals in October 2023 further elevated the number of weekly round-trip flights, allowing Chinese carriers to operate 24 weekly flights to the U.S. The reciprocal nature of these increases demonstrated a commitment to restoring connectivity and facilitating travel recovery.

A Promising Outlook for Travel

With this recent approval, the aviation industry anticipates a brighter outlook for travel between China and the United States. As we inch closer to pre-pandemic flight levels, the collaborative efforts between the two nations and the aviation sector pave the way for a revitalized travel landscape.

Safe Travels,

Aviation Indeed Team

Tony Fernandes Unveils World’s First Low-Cost Network Carrier with Airbus at the Helm.

Tony Fernandes Unveils World's First Low-Cost Network Carrier with Airbus at the Helm.

In a dynamic announcement that reverberated across the aviation industry, Tony Fernandes, the vibrant CEO of AirAsia, unveiled plans to launch the world’s first low-cost network carrier. The revelation took place during a ceremony welcoming Airbus Commercial Aircraft CEO Christian Scherer at AirAsia’s corporate headquarters in Malaysia, symbolizing a milestone in the two-decade-long partnership between the airline and the aircraft manufacturer.

The Vision Unveiled: World’s First Low-Cost Network Carrier

Fernandes, the driving force behind AirAsia’s remarkable journey from two aircraft in 2001 to over 200 today, shared the ambitious vision of creating the world’s first low-cost network carrier. The uniqueness of this concept lies in AirAsia’s utilization of its multi-hub strategy, built over 22 years of operations in Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, and soon Cambodia.

Celebrating Partnership: Airbus and AirAsia

The event not only marked the celebration of the enduring partnership between Airbus and AirAsia but also heralded a new era in low-cost network operations. With 647 Airbus aircraft in the order book, AirAsia aims to become one of the largest operators of fuel-efficient narrowbodies, showcasing the airline’s commitment to sustainability and innovation.

Fernandes, CEO of Capital A, the umbrella company for the AirAsia group of airlines, emphasized that the achievements of AirAsia, including its global popularity, have been made possible through the strong collaboration with Airbus. He highlighted the continuous advancements in aircraft technology, fuel efficiency, payload capacity, and range capabilities as key factors favoring Airbus aircraft for their expansive network expansion plans.

Multi-Hub Model for Global Reach: Asia, Europe, Africa, and the US

The low-cost network carrier model involves a hub and spoke strategy, leveraging multiple hubs not only in Asia but also expanding to Europe, Africa, and the United States in the future. Fernandes envisions the A321XLR and A321LR playing a pivotal role in fleet expansion, gradually replacing the A320 from key hubs such as Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Jakarta, and Manila.

Expanding on the capabilities of the Airbus A330 and A330neo, Fernandes outlined plans to extend the medium to long-haul network to various global destinations. The envisioned routes include cities in Europe like London, Paris, Amsterdam, Bratislava, and Barcelona, as well as destinations in Africa, East Coast America, and West Coast America via strategic hubs.

Fleet Evolution: A321neo and Beyond

AirAsia is set to resume deliveries of Airbus A321neos this year to meet strong forecasted demand. The introduction of the A321XLR and exploration of opportunities with the A321LR will bring greater flexibility to existing short to medium-haul routes and open doors to new destinations, revolutionizing the aviation landscape.

With an Airbus order book of 647 aircraft, AirAsia looks ahead to receiving 362 A321neo, 20 A321XLR, and 15 A330neo over the next decade, reinforcing its commitment to growth and innovation. As AirAsia sets its sights on “growing bigger than ever in the future,” the aviation community eagerly anticipates the unfolding chapters of this groundbreaking journey.

Aviation Indeed Team

Redbird Flight Training Academy Cleared for Takeoff: DGCA Gives Green Light After Temporary Suspension

Redbird Flight Training Academy Cleared for Takeoff DGCA Gives Green Light After Temporary Suspension

In a significant development for the aviation community in India, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has granted a clean chit to Redbird Flight Training Academy, signaling its return to operation almost four months after a temporary shutdown due to maintenance concerns. This announcement comes after the DGCA suspended operations at all of Redbird’s bases across the country in October last year, following two crash-landings within four days.

Resuming Soar: Redbird Flight Training Academy’s Comeback

Redbird Flight Training Academy, one of the largest flight training organizations (FTO) in India, has received approval from the DGCA to resume operations at its Baramati base. Shelka Gupta, Head of Drone Training and VP of New Business at Redbird, expressed the academy’s pride in completing the recertification process for maintenance approval, allowing them to resume flying training operations. The academy is now in the process of seeking approvals for its other bases.

Revisiting the Turbulence: DGCA’s Temporary Suspension

The DGCA’s decision to temporarily suspend Redbird’s operations stemmed from safety concerns following two crash-landings. Investigations revealed deficiencies in the FTO’s maintenance schedules and personnel training, prompting the DGCA to order recertification. The incidents raised questions about maintenance and operational elements, leading to the temporary shutdown of all five Redbird bases in India – Baramati, Seoni, Lilabari, Gulbarga, and Belagavi.

Fleet Ready for Flight: Redbird’s Recertification Success

Redbird’s fleet, including Tecnam P-mentor, Cessna 172, Technam p2006t, and Technam p2008JC, is set to return to the skies after the successful completion of the recertification process. The academy, equipped with 35 aircraft, commenced operations with two aircraft, marking a crucial milestone in its journey back to full-fledged training activities.

Regulatory Changes: Ban on Mogas Usage and Call for Further Inquiry

Simultaneously, the DGCA has implemented changes by prohibiting the use of motor gasoline/petrol (Mogas) in training aircraft, impacting around 20 of Redbird’s aircraft. This decision aims to enhance engine maintenance and address concerns related to engine failures. While the DGCA is proficient in assessing airworthiness matters, calls for a detailed inquiry into allegations of bribery and corruption suggest that further investigation by an authority with policing and financial powers may be necessary.

Conclusion: A New Chapter in Indian Aviation Training

As Redbird Flight Training Academy takes to the skies once again, the aviation community in India witnesses a pivotal moment in the journey towards safer and more robust training practices. The DGCA’s decision reflects a commitment to ensuring the highest standards in aviation safety and training. Stay tuned for updates as Redbird resumes its role in shaping the future of aviators in India.

Aviation Indeed Team

Singapore Airlines Progresses with Air India-Vistara Merger

Singapore Airlines Progresses with Air India-Vistara Merger

Greetings Aviation Enthusiasts,

In a significant move reshaping the Indian aviation landscape, Singapore Airlines has confirmed that the proposed merger of Air India and Vistara is underway, awaiting foreign direct investment and other regulatory approvals. The merger, announced in November 2022, involves Singapore Airlines acquiring a 25.1% stake in Air India, marking a strategic alliance that aims to strengthen its foothold in India’s dynamic and rapidly growing aviation market.

Charting New Horizons: The Air India-Vistara Merger

The ongoing merger process signifies a crucial development in the aviation industry, with Singapore Airlines expressing confidence that the collaboration will fortify its presence in India. The merger with Vistara, a joint venture between Singapore Airlines and Tata Group, is viewed as a strategic move to bolster the multi-hub strategy and maintain a direct and robust presence in India’s expansive aviation market.

“The proposed merger of Air India and Vistara is in progress, pending foreign direct investment and other regulatory approvals. When completed, it will give SIA (Singapore Airlines) a 25.1 per cent stake in an enlarged Air India Group with a significant presence in all key Indian airline market segments,” the release stated.

Timeline and Anticipations: A Mid-2025 Completion

Vistara CEO Vinod Kannan had previously shared that the merger is anticipated to be completed by mid-2025, with all legal approvals expected by the middle of this year. This timeline underscores the meticulous approach taken to ensure a seamless integration of operations and a successful union between Air India and Vistara under the Singapore Airlines umbrella.

Financial Landscape: SIA Group’s Performance

The announcement comes against the backdrop of Singapore Airlines Group’s December quarter results. While reporting an operating profit of SGD 609 million, reflecting a decline of 19.3% compared to the previous year, the group’s net profit increased by 4.9% to SGD 659 million. The robust performance is attributed to various factors, including a lower tax expense and positive contributions from associated companies.

Despite healthy demand for air travel in the last quarter of FY2023/24 and the first quarter of FY2024/25, Singapore Airlines acknowledges the challenges posed by increased competition, geopolitical tensions, economic uncertainty, high fuel prices, inflationary pressures, and supply chain constraints. These factors collectively contribute to a more complex operating environment for airlines globally.

Conclusion: A Thriving Partnership in the Skies

As the merger progresses, the aviation community eagerly anticipates the emergence of a strengthened and synergized Air India Group. The collaboration between Singapore Airlines and Vistara not only symbolizes a strategic alignment but also holds the promise of reshaping India’s aviation narrative. Stay tuned for more updates as the wings of change continue to unfold in the vast skies above India.

Aviation Indeed Team

Elevating Aviation Recruitment: The AI Advantage

Elevating Aviation Recruitment The AI Advantage

In the fast-paced world of aviation recruitment, staying ahead means embracing cutting-edge technologies to enhance the candidate cycle. At Aviation Indeed, recruiters are already leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) to transform the way talent is identified, engaged, and onboarded. As pioneers in the field, they’re not just using AI—they’re actively researching how AI can further revolutionize the candidate cycle, driving efficiency, and excellence in every step of the process.

1. Enhanced Candidate Screening:

Gone are the days of manual resume screening. With AI algorithms at their disposal, Aviation Indeed recruiters can swiftly analyze resumes, pinpointing top talent based on specific criteria such as experience, skills, and qualifications. This streamlined approach ensures that the most qualified candidates rise to the top, saving time and eliminating bias in the selection process.

2. Predictive Analytics for Talent Identification:

AI-driven predictive analytics empower Aviation Indeed recruiters to identify top talent before they even apply. By analyzing data points such as social media activity and job search patterns, recruiters can proactively reach out to passive candidates who are most likely to be a perfect fit for available roles, ensuring a steady pipeline of high-quality applicants.

3. Personalized Candidate Experience:

At Aviation Indeed, every candidate is treated as an individual. AI algorithms enable recruiters to tailor job recommendations, communication channels, and interview processes to meet each candidate’s unique preferences and behaviors. This personalized approach not only enhances the candidate experience but also increases the likelihood of attracting and retaining top talent who are a perfect fit for the organization.

4. Automation of Administrative Tasks:

Administrative tasks no longer bog down Aviation Indeed recruiters, thanks to AI-powered automation tools. From scheduling interviews to managing candidate data, AI handles the routine tasks, allowing recruiters to focus on building relationships with candidates and providing them with the support and guidance they need throughout the recruitment journey.

5. Skills Gap Analysis and Training Recommendations:

With AI, Aviation Indeed recruiters can stay ahead of the curve by conducting in-depth skills gap analyses. By comparing the skills and competencies of current employees with future role requirements, recruiters can identify training needs and recommend targeted development programs to bridge the gap, ensuring a continuous pipeline of skilled talent ready to take on the challenges of the aviation industry.

6. Synergy Between AI and Recruiters:

Far from replacing human recruiters, AI serves as a valuable partner in the recruitment process. At Aviation Indeed, recruiters and AI work hand in hand, with AI augmenting recruiters’ capabilities rather than replacing them. Recruiters bring their invaluable expertise, intuition, and interpersonal skills to the table, while AI provides data-driven insights, automates repetitive tasks, and enhances decision-making, resulting in a more efficient and effective recruitment process.

In conclusion, at Aviation Indeed™️, AI isn’t just a tool—it’s a game-changer. By embracing AI and actively researching its further applications in the candidate cycle, Aviation Indeed recruiters are driving innovation, efficiency, and excellence in aviation recruitment, ensuring that the industry continues to soar to new heights.

Boeing’s $100 Million Investment Paves the Way for India’s Pilot Training Hub

Boeing's $100 Million Investment Paves the Way for India's Pilot Training Hub

In a significant leap towards shaping India into a regional hub for pilot training, Boeing has announced a groundbreaking $100 million investment. Boeing India President Salil Gupte envisions this initiative as a transformative step that not only addresses the evolving needs of the aviation industry but also propels India to the forefront of pilot training excellence.

The Need for Skilled Aviators: Boeing’s Proactive Investment

With domestic airlines placing substantial orders for aircraft acquisition, the demand for skilled pilots in India has surged. Recognizing this, Boeing has intensified its commitment to the country’s aviation landscape. Salil Gupte, Boeing India President, highlighted the aerospace giant’s decision to invest $100 million in infrastructure and programs dedicated to the growing demand for pilot training facilities in India.

Gupte emphasized that the investment aims to make India a hub for pilot training in the region. Boeing’s foresight anticipates a requirement for 31,000 new pilots over the next two decades, aligning with the increased forecast of airplane arrivals in India – a significant uptick from 2,200 to approximately 2,400-2,500 over the next 20 years.

Comprehensive Support: Infrastructure and Competency-Based Training

Boeing’s $100 million investment is not just a financial commitment; it’s a strategic move towards creating a holistic training ecosystem. The funds will primarily support the installation of cutting-edge flight simulators, a crucial component in modern pilot training. Additionally, there will be a rapid adoption of Boeing’s Competency-Based Training and Assessment curriculum, ensuring that pilots are equipped with the latest industry-relevant skills.

Collaborating with simulator training provider CAE, Boeing is set to leverage this investment to enhance its partnership in India. This collaboration will facilitate the implementation of Boeing’s competency-based curriculum, setting a new benchmark for pilot training standards.

Empowering Ambitions: Supporting Air India and More

The investment doesn’t just stop at infrastructure. Boeing aims to empower the aspirations of Indian carriers, including Air India, which expresses interest in entering the training business. The funds will support the creation of a robust training infrastructure, fostering a conducive environment for aspiring aviators.

Salil Gupte envisions that the $100 million investment could potentially support around 20% of the projected 31,000 pilots needed in the coming two decades. This not only demonstrates Boeing’s commitment to India’s aviation growth but also underscores the collaborative efforts required to meet the escalating demand for skilled pilots.

Conclusion: Nurturing Aviation Dreams in the Indian Skies

As Boeing’s visionary investment takes flight, the Indian aviation industry stands poised for unprecedented growth. The infusion of funds, coupled with advanced training methodologies, is set to elevate India into a regional hub for pilot training. The skies over India are not just about to witness more flights; they’re about to become a training ground for a new generation of skilled and competent aviators.

Stay tuned for more updates as Boeing’s investment unfolds, fostering a future where Indian aviators soar to new heights.

Aviation Indeed Team

Air India’s Subsidized Travel Continues for Retired Employees

Air India's Subsidized Travel Continues for Retired Employees

Greetings Aviation Enthusiasts,

In the ever-evolving landscape of the aviation industry, Air India has once again shown its commitment to the well-being of its retired employees. Despite the recent privatization, the airline is set to implement its Retired Employees Leisure Travel Policy on March 1, ensuring that the wings of subsidized travel continue to spread joy among those who have dedicated their careers to the skies.

A Journey Beyond Retirement: Subsidized Travel Unveiled

For years, retired Air India employees have relished the benefit of subsidized airline travel, fostering a connection that extends beyond the active years of service. With the implementation of the new policy, retirees and their nominees can still enjoy free tickets, with only the tax component to be paid. The catch? The availability is contingent on vacant seats, ensuring fairness and no preferential treatment over paying customers.

Navigating the Policy: Terms and Conditions at a Glance

While the joy of subsidized travel persists, the policy introduces some terms and conditions. The number of blanket ‘passages’ has been trimmed to four, adding an element of selectivity. Whether it’s a one-way, return, or stopover journey, each counts as one passage, emphasizing a balance in utilization.

Hierarchy and designation play a role in the booking process. Top-level executives, including ex-CEOs, MDs, executive vice presidents, and senior vice presidents, can book any class. As we move down the corporate ranks, options become limited, with some employees restricted to booking only in the economy class, though an upgrade may be possible if seats permit.

Conditions for Takeoff: Clean Records and Code of Conduct

To avail of this travel benefit, ex-employees must have maintained a clean record during their tenure with the company, adding a touch of recognition for dedication and professionalism. However, with great perks come great responsibilities. Those utilizing the subsidized travel represent Air India and must adhere to a specified code of conduct. This includes allowing regular passengers to check in and board first, dressing appropriately, maintaining humility, and assisting the active crew if needed.

Gratitude in the Skies: Voices from the Aviation Community

Retired Air India pilot Captain Hathi welcomed the decision, suggesting that the airline should provide at least two confirmed tickets annually for ex-employees, with nominee tickets subject to availability. This move not only acknowledges the contributions of these individuals but also reflects the essence of gratitude and camaraderie within the aviation family.

Conclusion: A Legacy Soars On

As Air India continues to navigate the winds of change, the decision to uphold the Retired Employees Leisure Travel Policy speaks volumes about the airline’s commitment to its extended family. The subsidized travel, steeped in gratitude, ensures that the wings of connection and shared experiences endure, creating a legacy that transcends professional timelines.

Stay tuned as Air India and its retired employees embark on new journeys, where each flight is a celebration of dedication, service, and the enduring spirit of aviation.

Aviation Indeed Team